How I Learned To Live My Own Best Life

I was born with an enthusiasm for life, learning and a love of music. As a child, I read every book I could get my hands on, and loved sharing ideas and information with my sisters and friends. Many an afternoon, I would be found in the living room, standing by the record player singing to my parent’s LP’s. When the notes were too high or low, I would simply change keys and carry on. In those early days, I had confidence that exceeded my talent. Evidently my enthusiasm to belt out tunes was so much greater than my skill, that for years my two older sisters told me I couldn’t sing, to “shut up” – that I was  “no good” and “you sound terrible!” Anyone who gets that kind of feedback for years is going to be reluctant to sing in front of people.  With that criticism, I went into hiding in my bedroom to dance and sing to the radio. My greatest empathy is for those who share the experience of being shamed from bringing their gifts to the world. It didn’t stop me though…

In high school and college, opportunities came to perform on stage, along with a dip in confidence that came from comparing myself to others who seemed to have more talent. It was then that I made a decision that led to living my best life. I chose what I loved over what others wanted for me, or though I should do.

Over those years, I realized how important it was to be taught and trained, and found excellent coaches in the performing arts. I worked through high school to pay for my lessons. Through that process of actually learning (how to sing, dance and act, to stay healthy and bring the best version of myself to the world,) I developed a vast knowledge base to help others in these same areas: everything from building a voice and performing to the inner game of living by choice, not chance or circumstance. 

Heading to college, I was impressed by the mottos that were engraved on monuments at the entrance to the university. They said: “Learn, then Teach” and “Enter to Learn, Go forth to Serve.”  So at age 19, I began teaching what I’d learned to a woman who wanted to be more comfortable in her body as a performer, and a new joy emerged. It was experiencing her growth and accomplishment of goals that made me realize that a new passion was emerging to coach. She went on to success as an Operatic Soprano, and I went on to the dual career of performer and teacher. In the decades since that first experience, I have worked with groups and individuals (ranging in age from 7 to 80) to live their dreams, heal their bodies and achieve success on every stage of life. 

One of my favorite experiences was working with a 10 year girl. She had natural talent, which began to develop over the first year we trained together. It was evident that she possessed “career potential” – and it was going to take the inner game of belief and commitment on both of our parts to bring that dream to fruition. In her first leading role at age 11, she completely embraced her responsibility on the level of a mature professional. Over the years, we have collaborated on topics that span aspects of life coaching, building practices that sustain the career of a full time Broadway performer. Her success in this challenging industry is a source of ongoing joy for both of us.


What clients have said about my coaching:

“I wanted to write a brief testimonial about the profound coaching session that I just had with Claire. The fact that she is dialed in both spiritually and creatively really helped me have a double insight today. She is guided to speak from the divine connection that she has with Source and it is a voice that you can really trust. I felt doubly inspired today as she guided me in my mind to the top of a mountaintop to celebrate and own the Hero within. This vision opened up channels within me that will create immediate results and because of the air, earth and light I felt so supported and loved. Thank you!”

Jessica Feldheim